Tuesday 9 January 2018

Day 19 - National Not Natural

One day after Christmas, we took the metro to a station called Plaza de Armas. They had a big Christmas tree in the plaza and also a Christmas whale in front of the church. The church had a big poster of the pope on the side because the Pope is visiting Chile and Peru during the 15th-21th January. The church was very nice inside and also pleasantly cool.

Once we got to the plaza, we looked around for the Museum of Natural History, but we couldn't find it. We did find a tourist guide place though, and there we found out that it was actually the Museum of National History. We walked down to the museum and had a look round. The museum was split into two floors. I don't remember what they had on the first floor except that they had a cannon in the courtyard.

The second floor was full of coins, necklaces, jewelry and other small stuff like that. Later on, they had stuff like chairs, guns and swords. As well as all of that, there were paintings all along the walls. They had so many, I don't think there was a wall that wasn't covered in paintings.

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