Monday 4 December 2017

Day 4 - Dinner at the Castle

Yesterday we went on a trip to Villa Cerro Castillo with lots of people from the conference. There were four buses because of how many people were going on the trip. The bus ride took two and a half hours but we had a few stops along the way to take photos of the scenery.

We stopped at a waterfall that was coming out of melting snowfields. There we walked up to the waterfall and had a look at it. It was cold! There were patches of snow all around and I threw snow balls at my family. My hands got very chilly. The mountain was called Cerro Castillo or Castle Hill because it was very spiky and rugged at the top, and the one opposite was called Statue Hill because there were huge rock cones sticking up like sentinels.

Once we got to the village of Villa Cerro Castillo, we got out of the bus and had a quick look around. We spotted a fire where they were barbequing some lamb for our dinner. There was a small market in the square where they were selling wool things, and they were also serving snacks and an alcoholic drink called "Pisco Sour" before dinner there (but I didn't get one).

For dinner we had BBQ lamb and potatoes and salad. The potatoes were really big. After dinner we got dessert, which was custard with raspberry juice over the top. After dinner there was local music, which was music with accordions and singing.

There was a big mountain there but it was hidden behind a hill that was in-front of it, so we could only see just the tip of it when we were looking at it from the right spot.