Saturday 16 December 2017

Day 12 - ART

On Sunday, we decided to explore the bohemian area of town. The area we went to is close to the Santiago funicula and is part of the same Parque Metropolitano series of hills which had the gondolas and big statue. It is too far away to walk to so we used the metro to get there. Once we got to the Baquedano station, we walked around for a bit and found a market. At the market they sold hats, drinks and food. There was also a llama there that I got a photo with it.

After that we walked around for a bit more and found some shopping arcades. Most of the places sold things to do with copper and lapis lazuli or food. There were some shops that sold clothes and there was a couple shops selling stuffed toys. We continued on walking and we crossed a road that was blocked off for cars, because of some sort of bike race that was going on.

We walked a bit further and ended up at an art gallery called the Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes. The art gallery was split up into sections. The first section was in a big room and was filled with sculptures. The second section was off to the side of the first one and was filled with art made out of fabric.

The third section was off the side from the first section, but opposite from the second section. The third room was filled with photography and it was very strange in my opinion. There was one where it was a bunch of pictures of belly buttons. The final section was paintings and it was huge. It was as big as all the other sections combined. Some of the paintings were a bit strange as well. My dad found a metro station called Bellas Artes that was a lot closer to the art gallery than the other one so we went home on that.

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