Tuesday 7 April 2015

Day 23 - Korean Characters Part Two

Today I will be teaching you about more Korean letters that I have learnt. But first i will recap on what I taught you last time and they were:. Now the first new letter I will be teaching you is ㄱand it makes a "k" sound at the start and end of a word but at the start of a syllable it makes a "g" sound. The next character is ㅋ and it makes a 'kh' sound, it sounds very similar to the last character and does not change at different places in the word. Then there is ㅎ which makes a "h" sound, but is silent at the end of a word. The final character that I will be teaching you today is ㄴand it makes a "n" sound and it makes this sound at the end and start of a word and syllable. And now a word from the Korean language, the word is 휴가 and it means holiday. Can you pronounce it? If not you say it like "hue-gah".

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