Tuesday 7 July 2015

Day 43 - Leaving America

Today is going to be my last blog. We are leaving on Thursday and we haven't packed.We have bought a few things here, like clothes, shoes, toys, CDs, books, etc so I hope it all fits in the suitcase. We fly to Chicago, then LA, then Auckland, then Christchurch. We leave Thursday but don't get back to Christchurch till Saturday. It was very wet yesterday when thunderstorms came through, so I hope it is not to rainy when we leave.

Monday 6 July 2015

Day 42 - Movies And Meatballs

Last weekend was 4th of July weekend. it was a public holiday on Friday and we went to the great Dane pub and I had a cheeseburger and a root beer with baseball on TV. on Saturday in the morning we went to the Fitchburg movie theater and watched inside out and that was alright. On Sunday we got up early and went to the Imax 3D to watch Terminator Genisys. The Imax screen was really big we started off at the back of the theater but moved to the middle of the theater because we couldn't see the bottom of the screen because it was so big. The sound was really good too. It was the best 3D movie I've seen. We went out for dinner that night at an Italian restaurant and I had spaghetti and meatballs.

Image result for terminator genisys

Friday 3 July 2015

Day 39 - Swimming and spas

Where we are staying at the Countryside Apartments there is a pool - on Wednesday we decided to test the water and it was really warm, so Mum and I decided to go swimming. The water was heated to about 30 degrees and felt really warm. The pool was quite big but not too deep. It was 5 feet deep at the deep end which came to just over my head, so I must be just a little shorter than 5 feet tall. After we had been swimming for a while we went and had a spa bath which we have in our apartment.

Thursday 2 July 2015

Day 38 - Plasma Power

Today we went to the plasma room. Plasma is the fourth state of matter you can heat a solid to a liquid to a gas to a plasma. Plasma is a charged hot gas, An example is the Sun. While we were there the plasma device exploded giving me plasma powers. To get back we mysteriously teleported to our building somehow. Other powers I have are: being able to create magnetic fields and being able to vapourise my enemies.  I have decided to call myself PlasmaMan.

Wednesday 1 July 2015

Day 37 - Picnic Point

On Saturday we went to Picnic Point. Picnic Point is a piece of land sticking out into the lake and you get a good view. It was a really hot day and we were boiling, but Mum and Dad still made us go on the walk. While we were walking to the start of the walk we found a mulberry tree and Mum ate them but I though they might be disgusting and poisonous so I didn't try them. We also found a toad along the track. When we saw a sign that said how far away it was we stopped at a swimming part along the track. Since it was so hot we decided to go get ice cream at the university dairy factory store, but by the time we got there it was closed.